Thursday, December 31, 2009

Where will the momentum take us??

I can't believe that 2009 is almost over. And I'm so excited about celebrating with friends tonight. I am ready to embrace 2010 and all the awesomeness that I know it will bring. How do I know? Why aren't I worried about all the bad things going on? Well, cuz we've got MOMENTUM, baby! Yeah, the W'ham's are picking up speed and heading toward something more wonderful than the joy we have now. Rose colored glasses?? noooo. Dumber than a bag of hammers? Not last time I checked. How about lulled into a false sense of happiness? How can happiness be false? It might not be lasting, but it isn't false.. it's an emotion, people.

So, let me explain this momentum thing. It's been building all year. We started 2009 in pretty desparate straights. Chris was unemployed. I was totally unhappily stressed out with home and work. Our house was  a wreck with no seeming way out. Our cars were barely holding on. And the kids were growing up with depressed parents. In fact, I didn't even write a "2008 in review, looking to 2009" because I couldn't bear the thought!

In the spring, I decided to change my working environment. A simple grade level switch and the knowledge that I wouldn't have to be team leader  sent my blood pressure down into the only "slightly elevated" range. Chris got hired on at his dream job at the start of summer. What a time of rejoicing! And 7 months later, we still are jazzed about this situation. It's not the money, or the prestige (haha-snort). It's the fulfillment of a God given promise. Delight yourself in the Lord, the psalmist says, and He will give you the desires of your heart. It's true. I can't say I was always "delighted" with God's path while I was walking it, but we got there in the end.

The summer continued and I got a "girls weekend" with my best girls, minus a few. But it was still great. I love my Sanguine friends! We also bit the bullet and bought a new truck. Love the truck. So fancy and more than I, er, Chris, bargained for.

When school started, we had the flood of '09. Water damage, insurance. Again, not sure about the path God chose, but as I sit in my newly remodeled living room with 3 mostly working bathrooms, I am humbled and awed (and in more debt, but still). A year ago, I was sitting on broken furniture, in a flea infested, nasty carpeted living room with no hope of it getting better. Yeah, God has good plans, even when they seem to stink in the process.

The fall continued in the path of "gettin it done". The remodeling took time, mostly because I drug my feet in choosing how and what to get repaired. School is a never ending challenge. And I love a good challenge! I really needed some new curriculum and new ideas to flow. And I have the best, most laid back teaching partner ever.  She makes me look type A. And she takes care of me! Yep, it's true. Random acts of Starbucks in the morning. "I'll take your kids for a bit" afternoons. I do love me some Charlotte Pace. A real gift from God.

And now, we're are prepping for a revival New Year's Party. It's been a long time since we were able to invite everyone out. And I can't wait for the happy memories it will bring. See, our momentum is building. And I can't wait to see where God's leading will take us. Ya'll are welcome to ride our coattails. There is room for all!

Praying for a great New Year for all. I know I have some friends who need a happier 2010. And I trust that God has a path that will lead to His big GOODness for them. And I am praying that they will walk that path.

Happy New Year!


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