Thursday, July 1, 2010

It is OFFICIALLY Lazy Day!

Yes, you heard it here first.. Some say it's Canada Day (??huh?) but it's my first day that I don't have to do ANYTHING that I don't want to, other than make sure the children are safe. So I am in my comfy clothes, have colored my hair, read my book, done some laundry and let the children make their own food choices. We have burned our eyeballs out with stupid television and The Little One is still in his night time undies. The Big One broke down and got dressed around 2:30. But no one but me has brushed their teeth. I'm not proud of that. I just don't intend on making them. Every moment is not a teaching moment. And some days are just for lazing around ... for rejuvenating your spirit.. for enjoying without shame the simple pleasures that our hard work brings us.

So today has been Lazy Day.And I intend to make it last until I go to bed. And that will be whenever I want. I don't have to go to work tomorrow.  Dinner will be a simple affair. It will involve someone bringing dinner to me. His name is probably Nathan and he'll drive a blue Honda with a Pizza Hut sign on top.


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