Friday, June 4, 2010

Pomp and Circumstance

Ahhh, it is done.. School is out! I can't begin to tell you how good it is to know that I am now "on vacation". It hasn't hit yet. I still don't really feel like I am, it just seems like a Friday night. The boys got new toys at the annual Toys R Us Welcome to Summer Toy from Dad event. I got to come along. They begged, they pleaded, and even said please. So I went along. (FYI I HATE wandering aisles and then deciding what to get  watching the boys decide what to get.) It is almost physically painful for me to do that. But I did it, with a smile, and got a cool summer puzzle out of it.

Well, I know some of you are dying for all the Kinder Graduation pictures.

Josh entering with a little "ghosting". Stupid camera.

What a handsome guy he is. I am so proud of him!

Josh saying his part of the program next to his BFF Kaitlyn
Looking cute on the risers. Taken from the back of the gym. Way to go Dad!

Josh and his teacher, Mrs. Muggley. Somehow she has inherited Josh's crazy eyes. Must be the children. I hear they give you the crazy eyes after 30+ years of teaching.

What a fun day! Afterwards rumor has it that Dad and Purple took Josh to Sonic for a treat. Yummy yummy cherry cream slush.

And now, it's time to relax... And absorb the reality of summer.. We are currently discussing where to eat for dinner. No one liked my "clean out the freezer" idea... Yep, summer has arrived.


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