Sunday, June 6, 2010

Life or personal vendetta? That is the question of the day

Here's my weekend:

Sat - slept til 8am, went shopping, scored new clothes with no tears, dressed up for wedding, rushed home after call about MIL having heart trouble, settled down brave children who were in her care, praised neighbors who were awesome, passed out around midnight

Sun - up at 6 am from scratching dog, busy Sunday School with 35 teens, helped out in Kinder Sunday School next hour, lunch with husband, drop husband off at church for afternoon teaching seminar, bake cookies for nurses, pack large bag for MIL, update/email family, trip to Hospital to check in on MIL and get info from professionals, anticipating : getting hubby around 5:30, dinner then back to church to lock up around 7:30, home again to put children to bed, wash clothes, and pass out

Mon - supposed to start work out routine, get pool passes, call a few friends, and enjoy day 1 of summer. UGH! Instead will most likely be taking hubby to work and going to Conroe for MIL's heart cath procedure.

Ever felt like the best laid plans were being sabotaged?? Yeah, me too. Nasty, nasty enemy. I'm praising Jesus for all the good stuff in the meantime and accepting the change to my schedule with joy, gratefulness,  stoic acceptance of my lot in life.


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