Well, the long awaited weekend is here. A fem members of the Computer Widows Club are heading out to the hill country for some R&R. We've left the children with the menfolk and are not going to look back. For the first time in... well.... ever.. we get to go have some "us" time.. just the chicas.. and I couldn't be more excited. No plans, no one else to take care of. Just doing what we want. I bet you're a little jealous right now. Don't be. You can do this too. Let me know if you want to be a Computer Widow and I'll put you on the "list". hee-hee.
WAIT! Yes, I can be more excited.. because we have a new truck. After over 25 hours in dealerships in the last 2 weeks, we finally got it yesterday.. Kudos to my hubby for fierce negotiations. I feel pretty good with getting it for over $11,000 under sticker price! Definately a peace from God on this purchase. No real pics yet, but here a factory pic. Ours is just like this, except two tone paint.. silver on the bottom with chrome running boards (so I can get it without jumping).

It's all very exciting. This is the first new Willingham vehicle since 1996. Yep, 1996.. think about that.. before gray hair.. before children.. fresh out of college. That long since I've owned that new car smell. All the cars have been preowned. Much love, but preowned. What's really scary is that Ryan might learn to drive on this truck! Wow, that's a blog for another day.
So, I need to get my clothes washed, my floors vacuumed and myself packed for our little trip. Wish us well.. I might bring back gifts! :)
How fun! Have a blast! Time away!!! I'm all for time away! Enjoy the new truck! What a blessing.
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