Halloween was fun. Spidey and Buzz Lightyear plotted the take over of the Woodlands, promising to promote truth as they see it, school yard justice, and the Willingham Way.
Ryan's Birthday was a blast. The final party was last night. I even made it through without completely hulking out on the rugrats whose parents didn't RSVP. So our party of 16 was actually 22, nobody counts until the pizza is all gone anyway. And we had enough cupcakes. It's all good.
And Sunday was the best. Having our friends come to share in Ryan's baptism was the highlight of the week. We all had fun. And so many thanks to Papaw and Mimi for letting us continue the party at their house. Now, the awesome responsibility of training Ryan up in his faith begins. I don't know that I've ever felt less worthy to teach someone something. And it's never mattered more. I guess this is where I really start to feel like a parent, instead of just a caregiver. Praise to the Father from whom ALL blessings flow! Chris and I sure can't do this on our own.
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