So here are some pictorial highlights.. notice the small things, please.
Oma Hugs are the best!
I can't believe they took the time to pose so sweetly!
James and Julie always go great together. What a wonderful brother and sister I have!
Sisters! See the family tree behind them on the wall?? They come from a long line of sisters, but share a love so sweet!
This is a table full of food, that represents tradition and love and effort and all those fabulous family things. I am so blessed to have a family that values that. Notice, no turkey, it's roast beef with Yorkshire Pudding and other fun treats.
Every "kid" table has it's own personality. I can't pick just one for this table! These are kids who have tons of individuality and personality!
Dad likes to play tough. And he is tough. Shhh, don't tell, but he's a softie, too. Especially when it comes to his family. Love Granddaddy's Marine "fighting" ring there. By the way, he's protecting his Yorkshire Pudding!
An angel shared the news of the birth of Jesus. This one has been hanging around our house for over a decade. She's got some news to share too. Jesus is born!
Such handsome men and what a legacy!
I am truly blessed!