Saturday, December 1, 2007

Christmas is Coming,So Why Don't I feel Ready??

The Advent Season is upon us. Stores are full of stuff that glitters and sings. Church is a litany of holiday events designed to remind us of the reason for the season. School is a patchwork of special events, benchmark testing, some actual teaching time and lots of cool art projects. So, why don't I feel ready to celebrate my Savior's birth this year?

I know in whom I have my faith. There is so much to celebrate in Christ. I love the story of the baby born in Bethlehem that came to save the world from sin. I have two great kids who will really get it this year. More than just the presents and food, I mean. Ryan gets to celebrate his Savior's birth for the first time with a true understanding of what Christmas is all about. Josh is curious enough to follow his brother's lead and listen to the story for the first time. So why don't I feel ready to celebrate my Savior's birth this year?

Maybe it's because I'm so ready to tell 2007 good bye. It has not been a kind year to my family in some ways. Maybe it's because I'm tired of the commercialism. I don't want to think about the list of gifts left to be bought out of duty. Maybe it's because I'm not where I need to be with the Lord. It's hard to celebrate someone's birthday when the relationship is strained. Or maybe I'm just being to anal and critical of life in general and need to "let it go". Or maybe, and here's the one I'm leaning toward, maybe I don't want a 25 day party. Maybe the season is so envasive that I just want to live life and celebrate Christmas when it's time.

Whatever the reason, I refuse to be a Scrooge, bah-humbug, hermit. I will honor the One who came to save the world. I won't take the Christ out of Christmas, even if I do abbreviate it occasionally. I will decorate the house and go to the parties and give the gifts with love and a prayer. I won't let my little "funk" color the season for those around me. It just won't be easy. But good things seldom are.


Us said...

Marie, this was beautifully written. Sometimes you don't feel like it...or sometimes like last year it seemed it just passed by before I knew it. When it was over I felt I had missed Christmas. Anyway, have a wonderful time of truly sharing the real meaning of Christmas with your family!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on so many (if not all) aspects of this post. I am trying desperately to remain joyful and to always remember that its not about gifts and stuff, but about the One who was born that day and later died just for me.
The kids will be with Patrick from the Saturday before Christmas through sometime Tuesday night. So, if I may join you in your "funk" I would love to! Maybe we can pray each other through it and out of it. Deal?!

Marie said...

Thanks ladies. I'm getting more in the spirit. Having the kids help me put up the tree was a big help. And realizing that it wasn't about the "stuff" that mattered. Oh yeah, not making it a huge focus until it gets closer helps, too. Praying for both of you!

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