Tuesday, September 23, 2014

IT's my 400th post? really?

So I realized today that I could use some therapy. And then I remembered that I like eating out occasionally, not sweating the bank account monthly, and the kids needs shoes. So, I came here. This is my nook that is kind of public, so I can feel like it's a public airing of life that I actually share with people. But it's also kind of safe because I am pretty sure that my mom is the only one who reads it.

On my 400th post, I'd like to list 400 things I would change if I were the boss. Not really. 400 is a lot and I don't have that much imagination.

Here's what's been happening in Willingham's World: I am trying to finish my Master's degree. That's all. Well, all that I'm thinking about. Oh, and school started. And I really want another job. It's not the place, or the people, or the actually work. No, it's all the other stuff.

I want a job where I can be respected for the 20 years of experience I have in my field. I want a job where I don't feel like every conference is an attack on my abilities and performance. I want a job where performance isn't rated through data boards and menial numbers that only give a piece of what is going on.

I want to teach kids stuff. I want to grow their love of reading and writing maybe too. I want to see them play with ideas and learn how to interact appropriately in social settings. I want to feel like a hero when they finally get it and I don't want to feel like a bandit when I have a crazy idea and just go with it. I don't want to explain my reason for everything I do.

Oh, and I want a 4 day work week. And inclement learning days when the weather is too nice to be inside so everyone must go outside all day. And I want some cream cheese icing.

So, that's where it is. I'm working hard, hard, hard on coursework. And I'm trying desperately to figure stuff out.  Thanks therapists. That helped.


Kim said...

Your mom and I enjoyed this post =-)

Love you lady.

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