OK, this got a bit out of order. Guess it's what i get for waiting to post for so long. We had Christmas on the farm this year. My family all turned out. Goats and all. Good times for all. And some great family traditions. As our families grow and change through the years, I am so thankful for parents who loved us enough to be parents instead of friends, siblings who share themselves with their crazy sister who lives in the "big city", and seeing that our children have cousins to play with and grow with and share life with. Just imagine if Aidan and Ryan go off to college together???? Poor poor dorm room.
My 3 favorite guys, just hanging out.
Wii was an interesting addition to Christmas. It provided lots of fun, laughs and time together.
Silly cousins!
Serious siblings.
More Wii fun. So good to actually chat with the neices and nephew.
The traditional Jesus birthday cake, decorated by Marie and Josh and Ryan. Destined for the cakewrecks blog, but mighty tasty.
The tradtional ride in trailer fun. Some things we just don't get to do in the suburbs.
The traditional yearly elves handed out presents.
Katie, hider from all cameras, finally got her picture taken.
James was not surprised to be the subject of a "where the heck are you??" photo.
More trailer fun!
Erin got a guinea pig. That was big fun, until it pooped on me.
I'm still looking for the pictures of Reeses, the house goat... More to come.
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