Saturday, February 25, 2012

8 Years Already?

Eight years ago, I was planning on going to my baby shower. Eight years ago, I thought I had a month left. Eight years ago, my sweet boy came early and has kept surprising me ever since. He walked early. He talked early. And he has been a snuggle bug since birth.

Josh is quiet as a ninja when he is up to something. He can sneak away from the family when we bore him and we don't even realize it. He laughs with abandon. He is wicked funny and can connect seemingly unrelated things in ways that make me think "Huh, I never thought of it that way." He cares for others deeply and is most likely the most empathetic person in the family. Whether it's offering his money to his brother to help him buy something or just laying his head on my shoulder after a long day, he offers love tangibly to all around him.

This year, my Josh has changed a lot. He is more outspoken and loves Power Rangers. Power Rangers? Yeah, last year he didn't even know they existed. He is taller and his face is lengthening. He has an older look of wisdom now that comes from a year of learning and living and growing more independent. He continues to love the Lord and share insight from Bible reading and then application when it comes. He is never too shy to ask the hard questions. He just doesn't realize that most 7 year olds don't think about "Why did God not just kill Satan instead of letting him mess with us?" He is growing up deep in thought, this one is.

So happy birthday, my baby boy. You are my laughter, my joy and a delight to my soul.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Plagues of Public Education

In honor of the reading of Exodus.... the ten plagues with ten helpful commandments

1. new students with stupid names - Thou shalt not name thy child something unreadable or unpronouncable or any combination of letters that will inflate thine own ego
2. students who don't realize they are not the only child in the room - Thou shalt recognize other living things around you and treat them as you would like to be treated
3. sarcastic administrators - Thou shalt lead with honor and integrity and save off color comments for after hours events
4. young boys sharing information gleaned from late night pay per view television - Thou shalt not profane thy children's eyes with thine crappy television choices
5. overly eager students- Thou shalt respond in temperance and not peck thy teacher as ducks
6. broken pencils- Thou shalt bring quality implements to complete thine assignments
7. unplanned parent conferences- Thou shalt respect the schedule of thy child's teacher
8. insecure children who require constant assurances that they did their work- Thou shalt teach thine own child that life does not come with a constant assurance that they have done well. Allow them to walk in faith in their own products
9. dehydration myths- Thou shalt not abuse the free water granted to you, less it become bitter and foul in thy stomach
10. differentiated instruction vs. SpEd modification vs. best teaching practices- Thou shalt allow teachers to teach, adminsitrators to administrate, and children to learn without the confusion of philosophy that is wispy like the wind

Monday, February 6, 2012

Overheard at dinner

Hey, guess what I'm thinking..

No way, I'm not psychic!

Nope.. it was a cheesestick.

They make me laugh!