Within every amazingly good institution there is an individual who is the heart. In exceptional places, there are several. They exemplify what is unique and lovely and powerful within the context of that place. The heart not only keeps things moving, but carries the memories and cultural traditions. They inspire and lead and encourage and guide without even knowing what they are doing sometimes. And when the heart is gone, for whatever reason, the work environment mourns. It will eventually change and a new heart will emerge to fit the new culture and work will continue. But those who were there before always remember and poignantly feel the loss. Phrases like "remember when" and "I sure do miss..." echo in their minds on a regular schedule.
A couple of years ago, the heart left abruptly for health reasons. It was the right thing, but it still hurt. Our family mourned and moved on slowly because we knew it was for the best. A new way of getting things done began to grow in fits and starts.
Then, just as a new culture was forming, another heart was needlessly removed. Here one day, gone the next. Careless and untrue accusations rocked our piece of the world and we wondered if things would ever be right again. Unable to move forward and impossible to return to life before, our family accepted, grudgingly, the new status. Our heart was missing and we didn't know if it would come back. We were incomplete and the loss affected us all. A new normal emerged that was a shadow of what it should be. And we waited. We prayed. We snooped. Then we prayed some more. And we waited, always wondering if our heart would come back to us, or if we would have to create another new way of operating.
Today, our heart returned. It was a glorious surprise that was the perfect uplifting end to a hard first week. The return was answered prayers and patient waiting for justice. It was a beautiful thing. I don't know what it felt like to have over 700 people on their feet chanting your name, friend, but from where I was standing it was the best!
Welcome Home!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
I took the summer off
Yep,I did, I took the summer off of blogging. I might even take the fall off. Who knows.
This week has been a little nostalgic for me due to heading back to school and all. son #1 and Baby boy have been amazingly sweet and kind. In return I give them free reign on computers.
But I looked over the other day and got a sentimental. Son #1 is offically a man-boy. He has fuzz on his chin and hairy pits. His voice is strange and he can touch the ceiling without standing on his toes. But he still came over and said "I need a hug". He confessed that he had trouble going to sleep last night because he was missing Blazer. He alternates between physically rough housing with the little brother and giving him unasked for advice about middle school. He opens my doors and lays his head on my arm when we sit close together. He is turning into a beautiful young man. And it made me stop and thank God for a great kid that I get to parent through this life. I took a moment and just felt the joy and sadness of being a mom to boys.
This week has been a little nostalgic for me due to heading back to school and all. son #1 and Baby boy have been amazingly sweet and kind. In return I give them free reign on computers.
But I looked over the other day and got a sentimental. Son #1 is offically a man-boy. He has fuzz on his chin and hairy pits. His voice is strange and he can touch the ceiling without standing on his toes. But he still came over and said "I need a hug". He confessed that he had trouble going to sleep last night because he was missing Blazer. He alternates between physically rough housing with the little brother and giving him unasked for advice about middle school. He opens my doors and lays his head on my arm when we sit close together. He is turning into a beautiful young man. And it made me stop and thank God for a great kid that I get to parent through this life. I took a moment and just felt the joy and sadness of being a mom to boys.